When you put a great deal of time, money, and research into producing a magazine, and you have a large number of subscribers waiting for each regular publication, you want the production and distribution to be in safe hands.
We are delighted to work with Bygone Kent by printing and distributing this quarterly booklet. Our client produces their own artwork and entrusts with print fulfilment to each of their 350 + subscribers. We ensure that all his customers receive a beautifully printed booklet on time. Print fulfilment jobs require great communication and excellent organisation; a service we are confident in delivering.
Bygone Kent magazine has been published for more than 40 years, and we are honoured to be entrusted with its distribution to a loyal subscriber base.
With 52 pages and in full colour, we take care of the production of the magazine.
For more information on Bygone Kent Magazine, please see their website: