Website for Care Research

by | Oct 4, 2023 | Web

Care Research have worked with Parkers for a number of years on design for print work. However, due to a shakeup within the care sector, they were looking at some radical changes – and opportunities – coming up very quickly.

They approached Parkers to help them with a new website which would become central to their brand messaging. Their old website was self built, and although it provided information it did not give off the image that the company required – one of professionalism and trust.

Care Research are an organisation that facilitates the gathering of service reviews for service providers. The Care Quality Commission, or CQC, changed the way they were ranking providers in 2023, with more focus being put onto these reviews from service users, staff, and outside professionals. This change put Care Research in a pivotal position as they already had the expertise to provide a service which went from nice to have to being essential.

The website was to be a business to business portfolio, explaining the service provided and highlighting the quality. We kept the brand colours of pink and blue, and used stock images to better reflect the service users, staff, and 3rd party professionals who would be providing the reviews. With our graphic design experience we were able to edit these photos together with other elements of the website to create a clean, almost clinical, but also friendly theme.

The website is a fully responsive design for desktop or mobile, and has frequent calls to action encouraging visitors to get in touch to begin their journey with Care Research.

We are delighted to continue working with Care Research, and look forward to seeing where the business goes next.

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